Hello Yoshio.... WWOZ will broadcast live for the SatchmoSummerFest and would like to broadcast your performance live! I must secure a broadcast release
form from you. We hope you agree to the live broadcast. This is our third
year with Satchmo Fest, and the broadcast will also be streamed live via our
website @ wwoz.org. The station is streamed live 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. Waiting eagerly to hear from you.
Satchmo SummerFest is uniquely New Orleans salute to Louis
"Satchmo" Armstrong and his extraordinary contributions to jazz a ndAmerican culture. Festivalgoers can enjoy free live jazz performances, delicious Crescent City Cuisine, informative seminars, hands-on children's activities, art exhibits, a Satchmo Club Strut, an evening concert, a Jazz Mass, a second line parade and more.
Sponsored by: Louis Armstrong Educational Foundatio, Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, Louisiana Office of Tourism, and New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation